비앤빛 안과에서는 AI시뮬레이션 진단을 통하여 최적의 수술방법을 예측하고 올바른 눈 수술방법을 고객에게 추천한다. 이런 진료과정의 전문성을 3D 그래픽으로 표현하여 신뢰감과 전문성을 어필하고 비앤빛의 브랜드 가치를 높이고자 한다.
B&VIIT Ophthalmology predicts the optimal surgery method through AI simulation diagnosis and recommends the correct eye surgery method to the customer. By expressing the professionalism of this treatment process in 3D graphics, we want to appeal to trust and professionalism and increase the brand value of B&VIIT.

B&VIIT AI analyzes the customer's eyes and expresses them digitally.

B&VIIT AI analyzes the customer's eyes and expresses them digitally.

he collection of 160 eye data of customers through B&VIIT AI precision inspection was expressed
with a focus on spatial design.

B&VIIT's 500,000 eye surgery history and eye data are matched to recommend the right treatment for the customer. To express this, the digital process of processing data was expressed in easy-to-understand 3D artwork.

The process of simulating various surgeries was expressed in intuitive and elegant 3D artwork.

The process of simulating various surgeries was expressed in intuitive and elegant 3D artwork.

Final artwork

Final artwork

직관적인 아트웍을 통해 고객이 비앤빛의 우수함과 진정성을 느끼게 하는 것이 중요한 과제였다. 따라서 3D 아트윅의 질감 및 컨셉을 위해 적절한 R&D 과정을 수반하였고 원활한 커뮤니케이션을 통해 그 답을 도출할 수 있었다. 투명한 소재는 신뢰성을 나타내고 안구의 기하학적 표현은 기술력을 상징한다. 이를 통해 비앤빛의 홈페이지 리뉴얼은 그 목적성을 높일 수 있게 디자인 되었다.
It was an important topic to make customers feel the excellence and sincerity of B&VIIT through intuitive artwork. Therefore, an appropriate R&D process was followed for the texture and concept of 3D artwork, and the answer could be derived through smooth communication. The transparent material represents reliability, and the geometric expression of the eye symbolizes technological prowess. Through this, B&Bit's homepage renewal was designed to enhance its purpose.
Client - B&VIIT
Agency - INPIX
Executive Producer - Jeong-geun Kim
Design Studio - BRO&SIS
UI design - Jeong-geun Kim