사회적·경제적 가치가 높은 소상공인·전통시장 권익 대변을 위한 전문방송으로 소상공인 창업 및 경영정보 제공을 위한 방송 운영과 전통시장 활성화를 위한 방송정보 관련 제반사업을 수행함으로써 서민경제 활력 제고에 기여하는 채널입니다.

As a specialized broadcasting for representing the rights and interests of small business owners and traditional markets with high social and economic value, this channel contributes to the vitality of the economy of the working class by carrying out various businesses related to broadcasting information for the vitalization of traditional markets and operation of broadcasting to provide business start-up and management information for small business owners.


From Logo to Fruit Shop Owner

Transition from a fruit shop owner to a hairdresser

Transition from a hairdresser to a clothing store owner

Transition from clothing store owner to butcher

Transition from butcher shop owner to coffee shop owner

Small business owners turn to symbols







이번 프로젝트의 주안점은 다음과 같다.

- 전체적으로 심플한 디자인을 지향하고 강조가 필요한 부분은 에니메이션을 활용한다.
- 시장의 특성을 살리기 위해 영어사용을 최대한 줄인다.
- 소상공인시장TV의 심볼인 별을 강조하여 인물과의 연관성을 직관적으로 표현한다.

이를 위해 심볼과 캐릭터의 연관성을 가장 먼저 설정하고 스토리를 구성하였다. 별은 소상공인시장TV의 상징이고 이야기를 이끌어가는 핵심 디자인 요소이다. 5명의 소상공인은 고객과 오너로 각각 연결되고 별점 및 댓글 디자인으로 업종과 심볼을 강조하였다. 서로 맞잡은 손을 활용하여 심볼과 소상공인의 관계를 직관적인 디자인으로 표현하였다.

The main focus of this project is:

- Aim for a simple design overall, and use animations for parts that need emphasis.
- Reduce the use of English as much as possible to preserve the characteristics of the market.
- Emphasizes the star, a symbol of small business market TV, to intuitively express the relationship with the character.

To this end, the relationship between the symbol and the character was first established and the story was composed. The star is a symbol of small business market TV and is a key design element that leads the story. The five small business owners are connected as customers and owners, and the industry and symbol are emphasized with star ratings and comment designs. The relationship between the symbol and the small business owner was expressed in an intuitive design by using clasped hands.

Client - 소상공인방송정보원 
Executive Producer - Youngsun Lee 
Design Studio - BRO & SIS 
Sound Design - Sunwoo Shanw Kim

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