1965년부터 한국 대중문화 예술의 발전과 예술인의 사기진작을 위해 제정한 백상예술대상이 올해로 59회째를 맞이합니다. 본 상은 지난 1년간 방영, 상영 또는 공연된 TV/영화/연극부문의 제작진과 출연자에게 시상하는 국내 유일의 종합예술상입니다.
The Baeksang Arts Awards, established since 1965 to promote the development of Korean popular culture and art and to boost the morale of artists, celebrates its 59th this year. This award is the only comprehensive arts award in Korea that is awarded to the production team and performers of TV/movie/play categories that have been aired, screened, or performed over the past year.
BRO&SIS는 무대 및 TV 방송화면에 필요한 영상의 아트디렉션과 제작을 맡아 진행하였습니다. 독창적이면서 화려한 느낌의 아트웍을 위해 심도있는 커뮤니케이션과 R&D 작업이 수반되었습니다.
BRO&SIS was in charge of the art direction and production of the video necessary for the stage and TV broadcasting screen. In-depth communication and R&D work were accompanied for original and splendid artwork.

The source of all life and the symbol of the Baeksang Arts Awards.

Design the sunlight in a graphic form
The atypical element of sunlight is designed as a graphic that anyone can understand and used as a key source of the story.

Shadows make patterns
It shows the process in which sunlight affects real objects, creating shadows and changing into patterns.

Environments that change in patterns
The shape of the pattern that started from the shadow expands its area, affects trees and water, the source of life, and changes the shape as well.

Plants changing into patterns
In nature, patterns are superficial characteristics of wild animals with vitality, and by applying them to plants, the source of life was further emphasized.

The life force reaching up to the sky
Plants that have added the vitality of the wild ascend by emitting that power into the sky.

Life force approaching the sun
Plants go up to the sky beyond the realm of the earth and try to approach the sun, the source of all life.